Sacred Text, IHC-231

Introduction to Islamic Theology

Day Time Duration Date Instructor
Mondays 5:00pm – 7:00pm 12 Weeks Sept. 19th – Dec 16th Dr. Tahir Wyatt

DID YOU MISS THE FIRST SESSION? Please join Dr. Tahir below as he kicks off his Fall course!


DESCRIPTION: The emphasis is on clear-cut, individually obligatory, spiritually beneficial knowledge, grounded in the Qurʾān and Sunna, with emphasis on the use of sound reason. The names and attributes of Allah, how they are reflected in the universe, and how we can interact with them, are an integral part of this course. Students will also come out of the course with a general idea of the major schools and sects within Islamic Theology and the prominent disagreements between them.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course provides an introduction to foundational Islamic beliefs:

  • The Existence and Attributes of God
  • The Imperative of Divine Justice
  • Human Moral Accountability
  • Prophethood and Scripture
  • Life after Death
  • And other Important Topics like the ‘Problem of Evil’

COURSE FEE: The general admission is $250 per course. Then, $200 for each additional course. If you are a student, it is $150 per one for all students (including BIS students). Then, $100 for each additional course.

FINANCIAL AID: Please note that financial aid is offered on a first-come, first-served basis until available funds are exhausted. Please apply as early as possible to increase your chances of being awarded. You can learn more about our financial aid policy here.

If you have any questions, please write to info@bostonislamicseminary.org.

“My experience with BIS has been transformative. I have had direct access to scholars and their knowledge, alhamdulillah in a way I have never experienced before. We’ve deeply explored the Muslim experience academically, challenging many of my previously held beliefs and narratives. I am forever grateful to BIS, the scholars and the organizers for this experience”.

Nuha Muntasser, Student