Graduate Certificates

Academic Policies


Payment should be made at the time of registration. Students may pay online using a credit card. Students who wish to pay by cash or check must pay in full prior to the program registration deadline. Checks should be made payable to Boston Islamic Seminary and sent to 34 Quint Ave, Allston MA, 02134. A $25 fee will be charged for any returned check. Students interested in paying by cash should e-mail info@BostonIslamicSeminary.org.

Weekend programs are eligible for a partial refund of 50% of the paid tuition if the withdrawal notification is received prior to the second class meeting. No refunds will be offered for withdrawal notifications received after the second class meeting for weekend programs.

Semester-long programs are eligible for a partial refund if withdrawal notification is received during the first month of classes.  Students who withdraw prior to the second class meeting will be refunded 90% of the paid tuition. Students who withdraw prior to the fourth class meeting will be refunded 50% of the paid tuition. No tuition will be refunded for withdrawals that take place any time after the fourth class meeting.


Students will not be charged a fee for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from programs before the registration deadline each semester. Students may also switch one program for another without a penalty within the first week of the semester. Students are accountable for all coursework for the programs they add from the first day the program begins.

To withdraw from a program, students must notify the Seminary administration in writing of their intention to withdraw by emailing info@bostonislamicseminary.org.

Failure to complete a course does not constitute official withdrawal, nor does notification to the instructor, nor does lack of attendance, nor does dissatisfaction with a course. Refunds are computed from the day on which written notice of withdrawal is received.


Current course offerings can be found here.

The Seminary reserves the right to make changes in the courses offered, or to cancel or reschedule any class where low enrollment or other considerations warrant.


Students paying in installments whose credit card accounts cannot be charged will be notified by e-mail that their account is past due. Students must make up the missed payment within 10 days of notification. If the account remains past due, the student will be dropped from the class. Students with open balances will not be eligible to register for new programs until their account has been fully brought up to date.


If the seminary closes due to inclement weather or for any other reason, a notice to this effect will be posted to the website and students will simultaneously be notified by e-mail.

For further information on any of the aforementioned policies, please email info@bostonislamicseminary.org.

Program Contact Info

Islamic Foundations Courses

60 Willow Street
Chelsea, MA 02150


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

About the Seminary

According to a NPR survey, there are more than 2,100 mosques in the United States but they have a challenge – there aren’t enough imams or spiritual leaders, especially those who realize the challenges of a Muslim American today, to go around. BIS was established to address the gap in qualified American Muslim religious leaders. BIS is also the first Islamic Seminary in the U.S. to receive the authority to award the Masters of Islamic Religious Leadersrhip (MIRL) degree.